Sunday, July 3, 2011

Housewifing Around 2.0

Hallo und willkommen zu meiner Website! that means in English 'Hello and welcome to my website!'

I love you for being here.  

If you came here from here, you've already been briefed on the exciting changes going on.  If you haven't, you're lucky you didn't have to read all that droll.  

All 50-something archived classics will be here for your reviewing pleasure, to the right, now with intrusive Ads.  Please feel free to work around them, or tell you're kids they're saving a dying puppy and leave them to click and re-click them for about an hour.  Ethically, I signed a contract that I won't be clicking them myself, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this.  If any of these links end up catching your eye though, I would truly appreciate if you plunge into them.  Segway into ...:

At least they allow me personal input in some of the content. This one, I side with them.

This one...not so much.

There are still a few bugs in case the pictures look funny or captions are haywire.  I have to manually check each one of them and re-code a few things.  My advanced apologies.  This will take a while. 

New features will slowly start to show up and the color schemes will gradually be less repulsive.  The ads will always remind you there is something you didn't know existed that you needed all your life. 

You will watch this ugly duckling transform into a beautiful swan as I learn how to manipulate it and add some flare and pizzazz. (I just wanted to use the word pizzazz.)  Please be patient with me.  I'm a cripple after all. (Pull handicap card: Check, Check).

Feel free to leave comments on the new website.  What you like. What is hideous. What is derogatory, distasteful, and offensive to PC.  What is in Spanish.  What is not compatible with your computer screen and all the left-behind errors from the transfer of one blog to another. 

If the websites are taking TOO LONG to load, please, please, please, notify me and I will look into bandwidth, storage space, and other jargon that sounds like 2-year old fake-arabic.  

You better believe it... Google is taking over.  We all know it.  It's time to embrace it.  Upgrade yourself.  Oh... and subscribe to me if you dare!

Thanks for humoring me, 

Elena the Wolf
(Maybe I can start a "thing" as The Wolf)