Medicines made/makes me sick. Simple as that. They start off with organic compounds that are synthetically altered. They are chemical and foreign. Allergens and toxins from everywhere accumulated in my lymph nodes over the years to the point where my system no longer filters them out properly. They hang around my blood; the blood used to oxygenate muscle movement, to supplement bones, to nourish the brain. Modern medicine's hard-on to jump the opportunity to medicate me without properly executing my personal history (I've been literally cut off mid-sentence in almost every visit) made me sick. I trusted that doctors knew what they were doing since I was sixteen. None of them would ask me to check for food allergies. Just fill the script. I didn't learn about kickbacks until I was twenty-something. I didn't know how thoroughly capable the body at healing itself, or how humble herbs and tonics can stimulate the original code in your DNA to reactivate a natural process. Schools don't teach this in nutrition class. I'm not saying that everyone should distrust their doctors and that everything they do is wrong. That would be ludicrous. But I do believe natural therapy is worth looking into when pills are poorly sustaining you, side effects are slowly killing you worse than the original complaint, or you are just in-tuned with nature more.
Enter Dr. Clark, by introduction of a beautiful friend I recently acquired (shout to my peep). I knew I wanted the alternative approach, but by some form of cosmic collision I bumped into this lovely person and eliminated a huge chunk of hit-or-miss experiments. This is successful medicine and it has helped many, including my friend, her family, and the doctor herself. It's called bio-energetic screening. If you're someone who is often off balance, does not heal quickly, constant systematic issues, i.e. headaches, gastro issues, asthma, allergies, take too many medicines, mood/hormonal swings, too much acid in the diet, brain fog, this might interest you. Basically a lot of symptoms that are not enough to pinpoint there's something specifically wrong. Or if you do have specific problems that doctors tell you "you just have to learn to live with it", there is a way to come back to center.
I don't think I could better explain how this works:
(The link to Dr. Dana Clark's Better Health and Wellness Center will always be on the blogroll to the right.)
Following the assessment, there will likely be a detox to follow once finding the troubled areas that are "the root" of a disease or potential disease. For example, my wolf disease was born in a maelstrom of food allergies, candida, and antibiotic abuse. I didn't simply jump from healthy to sick.
This detox is a lymphatic drainage (Eastern Medicine understands the importance of the Lymphatic system very much ignored by Western Medicine, unless something goes wrong), away to stimulate the lymph nodes to start cleaning out all the accumulated toxins and chemicals that your immune system could potentially start to attack. If something foreign enters your body (let's say it gets stuck in your LNs), your autoimmune system will attack it; a magnificent defense mechanism of nature. If that foreign substance lingers too long, the body's autoimmune can start thinking it's just part of you after all, but instead of ceasing the attack, it might as well attack healthy tissue because it can no longer tell what's yours and what's not. Unspecified problems in the lymph node areas, like the joint or their surroundings will begin. It will be found that many of the pain sites for people with fibromyalgia, wolf disease, certain types of arthritis, etc., will be relative to the lymph node location. This is the dummies version of how autoimmune works.
There are different ways to clean out your system which include diet, exercise, detoxes, and many other methods I may not be familiar with. It's about assessing at what point of imbalance you are in and how much preventative or restorative health means to you. Personally, to restore my healing ability and getting back my energy means more than time, money, a social life, or home projects. It can be an expensive treatment if you're at my level and worth every penny spent nourishing your body instead of poisoning it with Big Pharma's newest and hottest pill. I spent much of my year-end bonus to do this and would sell my preserved liver too if I had to. Living your life with headaches, being too weak to do groceries, getting worn out from when you get ready to go out from head to toe is okay once in a while. If it's happening too often, it's time to take care of yourself somehow. By any means.
If you ever do get curious and/or desperate, please call the Better Health and Wellness Center. Ask for Dr. Dana and find out how you can fix your whacked out chi. Tell her Elena Shadle sent you. She works out of Melbourne, Tarpon Springs, and Clearwater.
Detox can be tough and it gets worse before it gets better. I'm gonna get exhausted and more tired than I currently already am. I'm not one of these put together superhero bloggers that has a 3-ring binder with colored tabs and shows beautiful pictures of rice sprinkling into a pot like magical fairy dust in real-time photography. It's going to be raw and simple; idiot-proof. I just share what I know from years of compiling health recipe books and learning to eat clean. I also will share simple tips on reducing the potential for added crap in your food without slaving over fancy meals. If you're working full-time and only get to grocery shop during high peak hours or have tired knuckles and knees and have to simplify dinner while cooking wholesome, I know enough to get someone started. For those of you who already know, great! But like my "about me" says, I've had to start many things from scratch and want to expand my knowledge on the new lifestyle. And this here link will be my reference and it will be available to you too.
If anyone has recipes to share, by all means, email me and if they're yummy we'll feature them.
I had begun the detox before the blog and had to stop in its tracks when the other problem, and this one, occured. I no longer have to get the "procedure" done to help the doctor make payments on his Benz. I'm going back on the detox now and into the second phase. Say prayers for me if you like me. And if you don't get off my blog.
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