If you've been keeping up, you know last year was rough. At first, I thought I was just a lazy unsuccessful home maker when it was taking such agonizing effort to get the laundry and the dishes done by the time my husband got into town. He would be gone two or three days for business and I was living in neat, questionable piles until the last minute he came home, only for him to find me passed out on the middle of our bare floor with rogue socks about. Last minute pressure was my greatest motivator. Little did I know that my joints were stiffening up and wheat products were piling up toxins in my lymph nodes so that I was becoming as dumb as a board. I would simply make lists of everything I had wanted to achieve and would stare at it every once in a while. Never has a person wanted to do tedious chores.
Now that I refrain from specific food allergens and don't feel feel drunk every day, my first project was the wedding picture album. Our family home is devoid of history and we must build on the little bit we have accumulating; except for a few masterpieces I hung on the staircase hall. I was probably on a salad kick (with Adderall croutons) that day, so no brain fuzzies. Probably also a full moon.
I've printed the riveting pictures taken as our wedding gift by Husband's long time friends; now mine too. Their current website is on the blogroll of if you click here. The one where our wedding was featured is here. See if you can find us! They are both a must see and worth considering if you live in Florida or can't find your good side.
You would think, living next door, a literal beer run away from Target Superstore, I would've easily taken care of this even throughout the early fog days I experienced. You would think. I have no excuse for that one. Somewhere between too much headwork on which pictures to enlarge and money that I could use buying cats, it got put off. But last week when I had a tiny window of energy, I marched right over and picked me up this eye-pleasing album:
I had almost ordered it online to save my swollen hips a bit of strain, but the walk came in handy, and it was $8 less at the store than on the website. Score! There are many more frilly, ostentatious albums more reminiscent of a wedding event. There were some tasteful flowery ones, some with artistic cursive 'Love' lettering thrown up all over the cover, and one that caught my eye with a slim white gown and a pink flower dotted on. But I considered Husband in this decision and if it were pink, he would be more hesitant to leaf through it. If it were full or roses, he would say, "It's nice" without even knowing what he was saying "It's nice" about. So I went for the monochrome, elegant, fabric-covered, simple album that is very similar to our style, together.
Now, the disconcerting part to me about this little tale is that I eagerly tore into the pictures, ripped off the plastic cover like cat on catnip (a lot of cat references), and waited dramatically for that wedding excitement to sucker-punch me across the face all over again. Nothing. I started inserting the 200 4x6s one by one. Halfway through I was bored. I tucked the remaining ones in the box and slid it into a corner to finish later. Where were all the lovey-dovey fluttery feelings? Was I supposed to slip on my wedding dress before I started this project for the clouds to part and radiant sun beams to shower down upon me and my wedding album? Eventually I got around to it, of course, while on the phone and multi-tasking without any solemnity put into the task. But I must say, it does feel more complete to have the beginning our of little adventure ready for display or memory lane trips. The cat agrees.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Dang Cat claiming territory"]
And here's one of my favorites. This one if for you housewives trying to get domesticated:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Courtesy of Pietri Photography"]