You can read the story leading up to the goodies, or jump straight down for candy shopping.
I was a runner and a strength training fiend. I started running about 2 years ago; strength training since I was 19. For measuring purposes, I'm 27 now. During the year I discovered the magical sport of running, the collagen on the soles of my feet deteriorated extremely fast for someone who was just getting started. At this point, I was still a pretty physically healthy person but with unusual symptoms escalating. That's part of the reason I don't wear heels now. It's likable to bones hitting the floor without cushion, which causes inflammation to the surrounding muscle and tissues. It was easy to assume I was simply over doing it because I wanted to be oh-so-skinny while eating everything in my path. My and shoulders were not healing correctly after shoulder presses and anything that involved the neck. I would get abnormally stiff. I was convinced I had simply slipped into habits of bad form. Then I was convinced I wasn't stretching enough, which was true, for all those fanatics who think you don't need to stretch. You've been warned.
Extra elapsed days were appearing in between workout sessions to let my body heal. By the time I prematurely hung up on my beloved running, I was spending most of my time in the gym stretching for relief, abandoning the weight room. No matter how much effort I put into re-aligning my spinal posture, I still have awkward spots that remain in active/or inactive muscles on my upper back, spreading gradually to the lumbar area. What was happening is that I was creating a lot of scar tissue. Only recently, have all these trouble spots advanced into considerable inflammation. Although unsure of what exactly happens to my muscle and tendons, it is very similar to these descriptions. I also had a chiropractor in North Carolina tell my my "special neck" was surrounded by this thick band of scar tissue, so as went through all these mysterious changes I knew what it felt like, and felt it was spreading.
The skin on the bottom of my feet became rough. My hands seem to be a tad bit tougher than before. Nothing too severe, and again, it was easy to assume I was just aging normally or that too many years in the gym were taking a toll. I'm taking all action to circumvent avoidable progression of the symptoms. When we're healthy, we tend to forget that time and money spent on aesthetic maintenance is to keep our bodies in good functioning condition, not just an external beauty factor. We put lotion on our hands because we like them soft, but what you're doing is replenishing cells. We scrub our tootsies because they look good in sandals, but we're sloughing away dead cells and making way for new ones. Everything we do to look good is coming deep down from a cellular level.
It was very strange to me when I had to start exerting extra time and effort to keep my skin conditioned and healthy. My hair had always been abundant and my skin well moisturized, if not oily. But now, my healing rate was perceivably slowing down. Since childhood, I'd had certain sensitivities, but mom and I never put it together. So eventually, certain eyeshadows starting causing allergic reactions on the eyelids, my hair no longer accepted moisture from ordinary shampoos or even cholesterol treatments. Gradually, every beauty product I used was becoming obsolete to my aid. Another factor I didn't bother to consider was the foods I was eating because no doctor would even hint at a food intolerance. I didn't know better at the time. Had we known, I wouldn't have had a recurring tiny fungal-like phenomenon of a rash on the little web between my fourth and pinky finger. The redness and itchiness of this mystifying spot had become a seasonal allergy indicator.
Following my gut that something was just not right, despite many friends and even family insisting I was worrying needlessly, I started educating myself on beauty products, which led to illumination about food allergies, chemicals, preservatives, and color dyes. My blood had built up toxins from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. It was rejecting anything non-organic. So I started switching to nature friendly creams and cleansing agents.
Since I don't have average health, I have to be strictly mindful of products. I can't buy them for economic convenience or some smell-good gimmick. It took trial and error, and lot of trips to Health Food stores, funky scents, and crumbly textures. You may not have to know what hyaluronic acid is, but you probably should if you want to extend your longevity. One should toss around the idea of chucking some of the things (not all) in your toiletry cabinet and play with a new favorite. I'm not professional advertiser (yet), but I have collected useful info over time that is very useful to share with ladies who love their skin. These products have rocked my world! They're better than the products loaded with scientific un-pronounceable names.
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Yummy-licious Organic Products
You can click on the picture to link you up in a new window. They're available by various retailers, but I'm sharing the most economic places you can find them.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Tisserand Tea Tree and Grapefruit Skin Wash"]
I accidentally bought this as a face wash, thinking it was $8. I almost returned it when I realized I paid $16, but in one day I realized it cleans up better than Proactive. Gets rid of blackheads and makes skin glow. I lost the pallid ghost look and became Latin again overnight. It also doubles as a shower gel and excels at the job too.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Earth Therapeutics Cracked Heel Repair"]
Running really damaged my feet. They don't heal well and need a lot of maintenance. This stick smells so good I could eat my feet. The results are immediate. This product is simple and effective.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="200" caption="Himalayan Toothpaste"]
This Indian-made toothpaste will brush junk off your teeth like Arm &Hammer and Colgate could never dream of. Gluten-free, flouride-free. I originally paid $6 at Vitamin Shoppe until my Natural Health doctor told me about Of all items, this one impressed me the most. Toothpaste is not a product we come to expect too much from. I could never go back to any other toothpaste and my pearly whites can skip a visit to the dentist this year. Oh yea, it helps in the whitening department.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="83" caption="Kiss My Face Shampoo"]
Shampoo is the most cautious risk I take. I love my hair. I switched from Loreal's new sulfate-free life to this one from how finicky my scalp had become toward any foreign substances . If your lovely locks hate you because of you've killed them with chemicals, this will give your broken ends a break. Even if you only use it for a few days at a time. Honestly, I love and prefer the feel gooey and slimy-soap feel of questionable substances in regular bottles, but I made this switch for the greater good. I also air dry periodically for a few days. It's torture, I say, but not hopeless.
*Head's up: this will not create suds or feel very slippery. It takes some getting used to but it will scrub your head good and clean, and leave your mane shiny and happy.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="77" caption="Alba Very Emollient Body Lotion - Original"]
This is the most recent jewel I found (this weekend!) and I kick myself for procrastinating on an easy online order because I wanted to "shop around" (I'm doing air quotes with my stubby fingers). Last minute, I found myself in dire need of lotion and I paid $16.99 at Target for this bottle. If you click on this picture's link, Vitacost only charges $7.94! Kick, kick, kick. It's available fragrance free and if you're wondering what emollient means, click here.
It wasn't amazing; it was miraculous. I don't exaggerate when I say I was desperate to find a good non-greasy but replenishing potion that didn't leave me itchy or even drier than how I started. I also needed something that wouldn't break the bank, but I ended up dishing it out last minute anyway. Lately, my skin doesn't just get ashy, it cracks and bleeds. Honestly, I proclaim: I shall never love another. Even my husband loved it -and a little mushy nonsense I have to throw in there- I still get warm fuzzies when Husband borrows my stuff or vice versa (blush). Had I played a little riskier, even with shipping and handling, I would've still paid less than I did at Target. And, I could've also included Gluten-Free Cake mix in the shopping cart! Vitacost has it all, with only $5 shipping.
I'll be trying more and products along the way and share any fabulous finds with you. Next on my journey are shaving gels, aluminum-free deodorant, hair conditioners, and bath effervescent gimmicks.
Disclaimer: Everybody body is uniquely different and will have different results. Try at your own risk. I'm not trying to convince anyone to drop all their current products or insinuate that they are bad for you. Obviously, most persons do not have severe or even mild reactions to regular beauty items. That's great. This is a little review for people who like natural/organic products, people who think average products are lacking, that some reactions might be delayed onset of continuous chemical use, and/or do not know what else might improve their situation without risking too much money or health. You may love or hate these products if you get curious.
All I'm saying is if I could, I'd make a heap of gift baskets with one each of these products, and give one to every special reader who subscribed to my blog.
Happy Slathering!