When we think of the Aztecs we tend envision a great ephemeral civilization of wild, savage, barbaric, Indians with crazy human rituals. We know little about them as a thriving people. What we do know we have picked up on what schoolbooks and movies present to us. Well, as usual, history has been flubbed and made to be perceived a certain way and the truth is coming out. This wonderful book 1941 New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus is providing a developing accurate account of who the natives in this new world were and how advanced they really lived. Not just South America, but the ones here in North America. Read some true stories of Pocahontas, John Smith, and Squanto. Recommended reading.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus"]
The reason I bring this up is because they, and many other desert dwelling natives, had an understanding of nature and its relationship with humans. They ate a balanced diet from agricultural farms they rose up, they healed the sick and lived active, intelligent lives. Many South American countries still practice some of the secrets (secrets to us anyway) and they have been using Nopal for centuries.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="288" caption="The Spanish call it tuna."]
Cactus Medicine, Cactus Juice, Cactus Huevos, Cactus Shish-kabob
A large population is getting fed up with pharmaceutical side effects and are delving into ancient healing methods. Enter this cactus plant, Nopal. You can't hit up the internet for a search without some recent boomer marketing operation promoting the desert cactus and it's "prickly-pear" fruit juice. However, the real Americans have been using them in their diet for a long time now. I wasn't kidding that they eat it with eggs or grill it like a steak. Sans spikes.
It is ripe with healing benefits. Loaded with vitamins and minerals. It's a natural detoxifier. It's a superfood, the buzzword of the year. Like I've mentioned before, America has deviated from attending to the maintenance of important organs such as the liver, spleen, or gallbladder. We need to keep these functioning at optimum levels to cleanse our body from the toxins we ingest. Medicines and processed foods are wreaking havoc on our liver, causing us to have multiple mysterious symptoms. And we think to ourselves, oh we just need a vitamin, I need to sleep more or the next fad supplement, and we'll get over it. Unless something tragically breaks down, we have not been trained to infer, "We need to make sure our organs are doing their jobs because this symptom is an indication that something needs our attention."
The liver is where our toxins are cleaned. Where there is toxin overload, which could be anything from alcohol, sugar, medications, etc., we begin to feel drowsy, forgetful, foods make us feel heavy, bad breath, muscle soreness, acne or skin breakouts, belly fat, the list goes on. The liver is overworked and can even swell up from working over time.
And here is why I'm writing about Nopal. A friend of mine, also chronically ill since her teen years, once had her gallbladder explode and leak its toxin content into her entire bloodstream. Imagine having all the by-products and dirty compounds your body stores for elimination floating around in your heart, head, brain, skin. Enough said. In the hospital, her liver was shutting down from trying to handle the overload. The doctor was setting her up for a transplant. A family-friend, Peruan, told her about Nopal. Prepared it for her. Forced her to eat the slimy plant. Three weeks later, the doctor was baffled that her liver was almost at normal functioning again. No transplant needed.
I'm personally in need of detoxification to reverse my autoimmune from attacking my beloved body parts. My body is in toxic overload. I would also say I need to assist my body in further detoxification, not just the currently accumulated junk. I'm doing a holistic detox, but diet is also a huge factor in short-term and long-term success. As we speak, I'm also experimenting with America's indigenous and ancient plant to see if my symptoms get some relief.
But Wait...There's More!!
I'm sure you want to hear more about the belly fat. This is an inexpensive, and kind of yucky but effective way, to slim down. It absorbs sugars and carbohydrates, regulating the glycemic levels when reacting to insulin. Yup, it is used to control diabetes and deal with excess fats and glucose. Does it really help? It's already helped me in digestive aid and inflammation in that frontal area where all the main organs hang out. So a fortified si!
So far, less tummy aches, digestive issues, clearer and softer and more vibrant skin, less phlegm/mucus in throat and sinuses (which needs to be controlled for those of you that suffer this chronically, it means you might have a candida or fungal overgrowth), regularity (I could have made this graphic but I won't. However, many with Lupus have this issue.), better metabolism, less tires around my waist.
There is also a little topic called CELLULITE, that I'm careful to say has not been cured by this, buuuutt it has a strong connection to cottage-cheese legs and dimply butts. Nopal did not get rid of my cellulite, but something in the recent months has smoothed out my legs and thighs like a baby's bottom. It happened while I wasn't looking. Hell, I wasn't even doing lunges. Last thing I cared about was sporting short shorts if I could barely tolerate my aching knees. An article about Nopal brought out an interesting relation between cellulite and that thing I'm not telling you about just yet. This is how I'll keep you coming back to my site. CLIFFHANGER!!!
In a few posts, I will talk about how this stuff comes to be a torment to most women and how it can go away. I used to think it was impossible and solely genetic. There is hope! For now, start looking up your nearing Latin or Mexican supermarket.
Painless Ways to Eat a Cactus
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="188" caption="Licuado de Nopal - If you're also a Mexican food lover, check this delicious website out. From the Muy Bueno Cookbook"]
- The link above shows an easy and painless way to make a smoothie and shares a quickie account about the author's friend with beautiful skin and thin frame.
- The way I started taking this before I researched information is very raw and caveman like. I just scrape off the plant's defensive spines with a paring knife...carefully, cut out the edged lining, drop in the magic bullet, and started taking 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. My mom actually told me this is how a Spanish friend of her takes it, one who has nursed herself to health naturally.
- The easiest way is to buy it in pill, powder, or juice form. To get the full benefits I prefer the plant in its natural state.
The taste is bitter and strong, not gross. It's a powerful vegetable like taste; like an onion trying to overthrow all the other veggies. The texture is horrible. Gooey and slimy like oysters. But it's over in 2 seconds. I haven't tried the recipe above but something tells me that it is more pleasant than my method. I thought I would never be able to swallow it down, but I'm not scared anymore.
Up to date, there is no better superfood that I have found, as strange and alien as it might be, it's worth expanding our minds and letting another culture get their say in modern times. Let's use it.
General Info about Nopal and Prickly Pear: (The best link if you only choose one) Testimonials